Original; whatwhosaid; whatwhosaid;

Sunday, January 14, 2007

i thought this was real hilarious. i read it off an email. enjoy! (:

1. Thanks to SMS, you have an extra large thumb.
2. Tks 2 SMS, u oso dun no how 2 spel n e mor.
3. You pat MRT and bus seats to cool them before you sit down.
4. At lunch, you start discussing what to eat for dinner.
5. Your wedding photos include shots of you dressed up like Louis XIV, Michael Jackson, or Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic.
6. When speaking to foreigners, you somehow feel a need to adopt an accent. (If you’re a DJ, this happens even when you’re not speaking to foreigners.)
7. You won’t raise your voice to protest policies, but you’ll raise your fists to whack someone over Hello Kitty.
8. You’re forever talking about businesses you want to set up but will probably never get around to starting.
9. You don’t know ¾ of the people attending your wedding.
10. You separate food into 2 basic groups: ‘heaty’ and ‘cooling’.
11. You’re never completely sure how many times you’ve sung the second verse of the National Anthem.
12. You think that what makes you ‘married’ is not the legal registration but whether you’ve thrown a 12 course dinner.
13. You marry for the real estate breaks.
14. You have kids for the tax advantages.
15. You move to where you want your child to go to school.
16. You feel you can’t walk around naked in your own flat.
17. You force your children to take Speech & Drama classes, but pray they won’t wind up in Arts later on.
18. You suddenly realize you’re very interested in biotech - just like you suddenly realized three years ago that you were very interested in e-commerce, and before that, engineering, and before that, medicine and law.
19. You think being an entrepreneur is setting up a bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop right next to an existing bubble tea/Portuguese egg tart/gao luck/porridge shop.
20. You think people are inconsiderate when they don’t leave their table immediately after eating at the food court but think you have every right to take 25 bites to finish the last red bean in your ice kachang.
21. You find it impossible to make suggestions without drawing a fishbone chart first.
22. If you’re a guy, whenever you get together with your guy friends, you invariably trade army stories.
23. If you’re a girl, whenever you get together with your girl friends, you invariably trade stories about how your stupid guy friends are forever trading army stories.
24. You think the most important sporting event in Singapore this year was David Beckham switching from Manchester United to Real Madrid.
25. You somehow feel that food tastes better when eaten by a longkang.
26. It actually makes a difference to you being called an ‘NSMan’ rather than a ‘Reservist’.
27. You’ve eaten more times at the Esplanade than you’ve actually seen shows there.
28. You need campaigns to tell you how to be courteous, to flush toilets, have sex, etc.
29. When you visit the Zoo, you wonder what the animals taste like.
30. You feel the urge to add the suffix ‘-polis’ to everything, viz. Biopolis, Airtropolis, Fusionopolis, Entrepolis, etc.
31. You always feel oddly hungry at 11 pm, and are willing to drive to far away places for supper.
32. You meet in hotels a lot.
33. Your children have a rudimentary knowledge of Tagalog or Bahasa Indonesia.
34. You work at McDonald’s when you’re old rather than young.
35. You’ll gladly spend $50,000 on a car, but will go to great lengths to save a few bucks on ERP charges or even a few cents on a parking coupon.
36. Pork floss and mayonnaise on bread is a completely natural combination to you.
37. If you’re pregnant, you have the strange ability to make people on the MRT fall asleep instantly.
38. You ask for the bill by miming a signing movement.
39. You’ve started referring to foreign employees as ‘talent’ instead of ‘expatriates’.
40. At the dinner table, you’re always discussing which other food places serve better versions of what you’re eating.
41. You copy down licence plate numbers of cars involved in accidents.
42. You think your boyfriend doesn’t really love you unless he gives you part of his liver.
43. During sales, you book hotel rooms near malls to enable you to shop more efficiently.
44. You pronounce the letter ‘R’ as ‘ah-rer’ and the letter ‘H’ as ‘haytch’.
45. No matter how old you are, you keep associating people with their secondary schools. (alternative: No matter how old you are, you secretly need to know what other people got for their PSLE, O levels and A levels.)
46. You’re always on a quest for the definitive version of your favourite local dish.
47. When you explain things to people, you keep (a) using alphabets, and (b) speaking in point form.
48. You believe that you can generate ‘creativity’ through rules and committees.
49. You ‘chope’ a seat by placing a packet of tissues on the chair.
50. You’re very forthright with your criticisms of the Gahmen, unless there’s a chance they might actually hear you.
51. You diligently track the whereabouts of your favourite hawkers, i.e..you know that the famous Tiong Bahru Bao is now in Jurong, the famous Outram Char Kuay Teow is now in Hong Lim Centre and the famous Lau Hock Kien Hokkien mee from the old Lau Pa Sat is now at Beach Road.
52. Your mother probably can’t speak your ‘mother tongue’.
53. You’d rather drink your own pee than pay someone more for water.
54. You secretly find that the best part of the Speak Good English Movement is hearing the Singlish bits in their ads.
55. You have an automatic sensor in your head which categorizes people you meet into stayer/ quitter, cosmopolitan/heartlander, normal/ express/ gifted, etc.
56. You think we’re living in a modern, sophisticated country even when our leaders still insist on wearing their school uniforms.
57. You wish your constituency is in a walkover, because otherwise it’s damn ‘leceh’.
58. During elections, you decide that there is no credible opposition even though you don’t know the name of the opposition candidate in your constituency.
59. You think having a constitution is like the condition you get when you don’t eat enough fibre.
60. You can never quite remember what “the core values” of Singaporeans are.

if you're laughing and nodding to this, celebrate your identity - a true-blue singaporean. (: ho ho ho. i hope i dont get caught for posting this man. ho hum, enjoy the second week of school! (:

11:34 PM;

-be.♥.ed Anonymous

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hi all, its me again.. after a long time.
its a new sem, with many people leaving and many new faces joining us.
and so, since our blogspot seemed to have screwed up our layout, i've tried to rectify it.
ahha.. but it seems that i've lost the photo for the overhead in the process.. damn.
anyway, i'd just like to extend warm greetings to those who are new to the blk and offer my best to those who are leaving for SEP etc.
Let's have a good start to sem 2 and hope we will all have a whale of a time together here in blk B! :)

Oh yes... its IHG now! so let's cheer on our sporty friends by being part of the SEA of Orange again!.. haha!!

2:41 AM;

-be.♥.ed sEah

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I heard this from my dad today. damn funny. thought I should share with u guys! :)

After God created earth, he created the first animal: the cow.

so God told the cow, "In your life, you will work and plough the fields. every day, and help to toil the lands. and You only get to eat grass. For that, i'll give you 50 years to live"

the cow was indignant so he replied to god, "ah?? this kinda life, I can work until I die lahhh. I 20 years enough already lah. I give u back 30 years!"

then, God created the next animal: the dog

so God told the dog, "In your life, you will stay at home, guard the house and bark at strangers. on top of that, you'll have to eat leftovers in the house. For that, I'll give you 20 years to live."

the dog wasn't happy too, so he replied to god, "you want me to sit at home, guard the door and eat leftovers?! this kinda life, i think 10 years enough! I give you back 10 years!"

then, God created the 3rd animal: the monkey

and he said to the monkey, "In your life, you get to eat good food like bananas and fruit. but you have make monkey faces, swing around from tree to tree and act like a complete fool to entertain people. For that, I'll give you 20 years to live too."

and the monkey was ridiculed, so he said, "You want me to make a fool out of myself and be a clown? 20 years? no thank you. 10 enough! I give you back 10 years!"

then finally, God created: Man.

and he said to the man, "In your life, you will only sleep eat and relax. and you do it every day and night. For that, I'll give you 20 years to live as well."

Man was really upset. he said to God, "eat sleep and relax only?? give me more lahhh. 20 years where got enough? since the cow, dog and monkey dont want their extra years, you give me those 50 years lah!"

and God did.

that's why,
for the first 20 years of a man's life, he eats sleeps and relaxes.
then for the next 30 years, he works like a cow and eats meagre meals.
then after that, for 10 years, he retires and sits at home, guards the house and barks at strangers, eating only leftovers.
and for that last 10 years of his life, he acts like a monkey, entertaining grandchildren with the fool that he's made out of himself.

the end.


got me laughing tilll i almost died. or as alvin likes to put it, ritchell rofl-ed! :)

happy new year beeekers! (: (:

12:04 AM;

-be.♥.ed Chellie

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